Reflections Ep: 16

Write to younger versions of yourself. 

This is what Georgie Le does in all his poetry. Georgie entered the world of poetry while his world slowly started falling apart. He had lost his best friend, a job, and addiction was still an every day battle.

A talented musician and performer, Georgie always enjoyed a bit of friendly competition. Slam poetry seemed right up his alley. He got eliminated in the first round of his first slam, but he knew he had to keep putting himself in the ring with poets who were better than him. Even with the elimination, Georgie remembers the community feedback, the other poets’ encouragement and the congratulations when he got off the stage. He kept coming back for more and fell in love with it. He has now represented South Texas on slam competition stages across the United States.

“When I get stuck, I realize I am not writing for judges, I am writing for younger versions of myself.”

Many of Georgie’s poems focus on LGBTQ+ experiences and the journey of sobriety. He wants to be a mentor to queer young people and a sober representative of his community. His hope is to create safe spaces for gay people outside of bars, which are sometimes the only places they have experienced safety and community.

What’s next for Georgie? Well, continuing to write, for sure. Aside from that Georige wants to open his own publishing house and help poets illustrate their work. Graphic design is his other job and he has published two books both written and illustrated by himself. He’d also like to publish his work with another publishing house and finish a full manuscript. 

“Making Wishes out of Weeds,” his most recent publication, is a collection of short poems he wrote upon waking everyday as a self-discipline. These small poems are like little wishes, complied into a book.

What are some small self-disciplines you can put towards your artistic practice? What are some daily habits you can build towards your dreams? Sometimes having a big dream feels hard to achieve, but when you can break it down into small, fun steps, you can get so much farther than you thought.

Always moving towards his dreams, always putting action to his wishes, Georgie Le keeps moving forward and growing.

You can find Georgie on instagram under the handle @georgiele3


Reflections Ep. 17


Reflections Ep: 15