Inspiring Artists Series - Part 1

Ingrid Benavides

Ingrid has been writing poetry since she was child. She finds herself picking up her pen at every opportunity. Discover this amazing author as she shares her latest work.

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The darkest horizon falls on this city

The midnight enters the morning hours

Eyes bloodshot in deep sleep are yours

While my skin subjugates me

Air that once I breathe

Now suffocates me

Feeling more and more sleepy

My bones slowly run in high pyrexia to weaker

Cold air straps me to my bed

I can feel my voice traveling

No one is listening

Unable to move my legs, torso and feet

Slowly and scarily try to open my eyes

Rapidly falling into an obscure deep hole

Whispers start to hear

Does the end start here?

Have I been here?

Yes, I have

Yes, I am back

Where there is no moon

Where there are no starts to bloom

Where this place is where the nights are born

Body starts to feel lighter

Seeing my reflection in millions of pieces of mirrors

Walking between the past and future to a no where

A nowhere that has no name

No name just a place

Place that now owns me

Sleepwalker I am

Sleep I am not

In dubiety I am

If I can still see it through my eyes

Walking through time

Watching others passing me by

Those I was never able to say a proper goodbye

Sleepwalker I made of myself

Sleepwalker with no memories

Memories erased slowly

Me rushing through time

Hear the old clock

Still I am stuck in time

Finding doors some open some not

Closed doors I knock

Knock one by one

None of them open

none except one

Sleepwalker I now am

Found white footprints on black sand

There must be some as I am

Hands shaken; feet feel heavy

There I see more walkers

More Sleepwalkers

I found you but you cannot see me

Found you I say, and you cannot hear me

As you lovely peacefully sleep into your dreams

Placing my lips carefully on yours

I inhale your breathing

While you are dreaming

Sleepwalking into your dreams

Sleepwalking into your heart

Sleepwalker I am

Now with no return

No turning back time

I am lost no more as now I see through your eyes

The truth you always kept inside

Sleepwalker unveiling the secrets

The dark secrets of your life

Sleepwalker my purpose is you

Now I am finally in your life.

-Ingrid Benavides

All work is copyright protected and belongs to the artist only. Please gain permission from the artist before sharing their work


Reflections: Ep 10