Reflections: Ep 10

We were so lucky to sit down and have a conversation with creative artist and performer, Xavier Alexander, who brought up great thoughts on what it means to be an artist, what it means to be apart of a community and what it means to take care of yourself.

“The creative journey is not linear. The healing journey is not linear. We constantly fall and get back up.”

One thing Xavier brought up is that our poetry, our creativity, is a reflection of where we are at now. It is the outward expression of an inward state. And similarly, our relationships with others can be a mirror of what is inside which we cannot see in ourselves.

Sometimes we don’t see how far we have come or how much we have grown if we don’t have community around us to confirm the growth. We can’t always recognize what we have brought to fruition or healed from, without the community.

“The confirmation is the conversation.”

Stepping out of our aloneness and into community can be difficult. Suddenly we are faced with the things we love about ourselves and also the things we get defensive of. Sometimes it is easier to be alone because we can camp out in our self criticism, our traumas, and our hurt.

But we need community. We need each other to help affirm that others see the way we see. That we are not alone.

“When you are a creative the way you perceive the world is so different than everybody else. And when you find people who have experienced those things, it makes the journey less hard and lonely.”

The human experience was never meant to be lived alone and we hope Soundproof Creatives can be one of the communities you feel seen and heard in.


Reflections: Ep 11


Inspiring Artists Series - Part 1