Reflections: Ep 11

In the 11th episode of the Soundproof Creatives Podcast we got to sit down with local poet, editor and radio host Alice Saunders.

“Speak your truth no matter where you are at.”

If you don’t know what poem to put out there, what poem to release into the world, the most important thing is to follow your heart. You can read the room, and play to who’s there, but remember to always share your truth. Always speak from the heart. If you have a gift, use it. It will in the end help others.

“Take successes and failures as lessons learned.”

We often notice people’s successes and how much they do, but we often don’t recognize the difficult paths they may have had to walk to get there.

Alice is a self proclaimed introvert. She is naturally shy, but she recognizes her gift and choses to use it. She has now found multiple ways to help others share their work too, through publishing, radio programming, and hosting open mics. When you use your gifts, you open up the opportunity for others to share their gifts, too.

Alice learned to network, lead, and work with people, despite her tendency to be quiet and shy. She learned from other writers, stayed teachable, and developed as a poet and artist. In those moments, she said yes to her art.

How are you saying yes to your art? How are you overcoming barriers and putting your work out into the world?

Alice recognized she wanted to create something to pass down. She wanted to help others feel comfortable enough to step out and share their work, too. So she created a place people could share the hope they had written into their poetry.

Sharing poetry is the art of sharing trauma, joy, favorite memories, and hope. Hope is always available and one of the jobs of a poet is to help people hope. Poetry helps people know they are not the only one and that they are not alone.

So, “take what you’re going through and translate it onto paper.”


Reflections: Ep 12


Reflections: Ep 10